Friday, October 27, 2006

They Stole the Shirt Off Her Back - Part II

Continued from Part I

Pamela Anderson in a hat designed by Ivy Supersonic

Pamela Anderson in a hat designed by Ivy Supersonic

Fast forward to three years later - March 2002, 20th Century Fox released the animated feature Ice Age, complete with the scene-stealing Scrat, an animal seemingly identical to Ivy's Sqrat save one letter in its name -"Scrat" (with a "c"). Supersonic is convinced they changed the letter to curtail her ownership. The film, which to date has grossed $378 million worldwide, infuriated her and she not only sued the company but started a media blitzkrieg attaching the film and its producers.

Hat and outfit designed by Ivy Supersonic

Hat and outfit designed by Ivy Supersonic

She methodically outlines her arduous war against Fox on her Web site,, and in another ironic twist – she also registered the domain – which 20th Century Fox never purchased for the their version of the squirrel – rat – Scrat used in the Ice Age movies.

Supersonic has used her own body to advertise her outrage. She had 17 tattoos pierced into her skin in 30 days period as a visual protect and as part of her continued campaign against 20th Century Fox and the producers of Ice Age.

Supersonic, who at the time had no tattoos, was impulsively marked by Lucky a 32 year old Venezuelan artist out of Miami Beach, who tattooed on her the words Justice, Truth, Free and six others.

Mike Bellamy of Red Rocket Tattoo (formerly Triple X Tattoo) in New York City tattooed her six times. He is responsible for the word "Warrior" on one shoulder and another Supersonic "It's all good" on the other. In all, she had 17 tattoos by 3 artists in 30 days.

Or, maybe someone should produce a movie Sqrat vs. Scrat, we really enjoyed and long for those old Gozilla vs. ---- movies.

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