Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lady GaGa – Reborn with Sexy New Looks

Lady GaGa reveals unicorn tattoo on her bare thigh on her way to taping with David Letterman

Lady GaGa reveals unicorn tattoo on her bare thigh on her way to taping with David Letterman.

This has certainly been a busy week for Lady GaGa – from munching on The Late Show With David Letterman host David Letterman notes on Monday to a planned free concert in New York City's Central Park on Friday to be televised on ABC Good Morning America.

The release of her new album Born This Way even crashed the Internet servers at Amazon, unable to keep up with the demand for her new album Born This Way.

On the David Letterman show, Lady GaGa wore a black leather jacket and push up bra and panties under the black leather jacket.

Letterman comment on Lady GaGa outfit says: I have never thought to myself, I'm just going to wear my underpants.

To which Lady GaGa replied Why not? I'm sure you'd look nice if you just took your pants off.

Lady GaGa flesh colored shoulder pads and sexy S&M look at Best Buy promotional event
Credit: Diane Cohen/Fame Pictures
Lady GaGa flesh colored shoulder pads and sexy S&M look at Best Buy promotional event.

Letterman also asked Lady Gaga – if it was true that she once ate a Barbie doll's head on stage. To which Lady GaGa replied all the time. She then took Letterman notes and ripped them up. Then plopped the torn notes into her mouth, as Letterman warned her that they were toxic.

Letterman also asked Lady GaGa about the giant egg in which she was carried into the 2011 Grammy Awards. She told Letterman, It's a place where I can meditate and experience rebirth. So I just get inside of it and close it and then when I feel that I have been reborn spiritually.

For more photos of Lady Gaga looks when she arrived and departed the David Letterman show Lady Gaga Rebirth on David Letterman.

Lady GaGa also popped up at Best Buy to promote new album Born This Way.

At Best Buy, Lady GaGa bare shoulders revealed a pair of flesh color shoulder pads.

GaGa evoked an S&M look with black leather push up bra and a skirt made of leather pieces and hanging gold chains.

See more photos of Lady Gaga at Best Buy in the article Lady Gaga Gold Chains and Studded Boots.

Lady Gaga Live Concert

Lady Gaga will be performing a live concert from New York City Central Park on Friday May 27, 2011 from 8:00 to 9:00 am (ET), which will be televised on ABC Good Morning America television program in the states.

For all of the latest Lady GaGa fashion news go to Lady GaGa Fashion News.

Lady GaGa on David Letterman Show - video.

If you cannot see the above video or pictures in your feed reader or e-mail, go to Lady GaGa – Reborn with Sexy New Looks .