Monday, July 27, 2009

Creating Awesome Bikini Photos

Bikini model Cristina DeHart floating in a portable pool in white bikini
Bikini model Cristina DeHart floating in a portable pool.

Whether you are preparing for a high fashion swimwear bikini shoot or just want to create a striking, sexy bikini picture for your guy, here are some great tips for creating the perfect bikini picture from model Cristina DeHart.

Founder of the modeling site, DeHart has created a site that provide information for new models. The site includes informative modeling tips and trick videos which are based on her fifteen years of real life modeling experience.

So, how should you prepare for a bikini photo shoot.

Wear loose clothing. Wear loose clothing when going to a bikini photo shoot since tight fitting clothing can leave red marks that take a long time to fad.

Manicure nails. Get a manicure since nails are extremely important for any photo shoot, but especially for lingerie and swimwear.

Wear High Heels. Although high heels may not show up in the shoot, they make you look sexy and make your expression look more natural.

Model Cristina DeHart reveals Trick and Traps based on her real life modeling career.

Fake Boobies Chicklets. Fake silicone boobies chicklets are use to help fill out the bathing suite top and enhance your cleavage.

Use Props - Portable Pool - Floats. Use a portable pool, floats, beach accessories to create a beach seting indoors.

Want to show a bikini model floating on the water?

Well, just shoot straight down from a over head position as the model floats on a float in a portable pool below.

Cleanly Shave Your Body. Cleanly shave all parts of you body that will be exposed to the camera during your bikini photo session including arm pits, legs, bikini area.

Body Moisturize.Moisturize your body before a shoot to enhance the lighting of the skin - to produce a healthy glow. Baby oil on the body will produce a great looking shine under the lights.

Vaseline Lips. A little Vaseline spread over lip makeup, will add a shine to your lips.

Work Out. You need to work out to tone up all your muscles so you can look amazing during the shoot.

Spray tan Spray tan your body several days before the shoot so you will not have to worry about tan lines showing in the actual shoot.

Research Poses Use the internet to discover interesting bikini poses that you can use during the actual shoot. Print out your favorite looks for the photographer and practice the poses in a full length mirror.

If you cannot see the photos in your E-mail or news reader, just go to Creating Awesome Bikini Photos?