Friday, January 11, 2008

Real Eye Candy Designs

Model Lauren in outfit made from candy Twizzler’s.
Model Lauren in a outfit made from candy Twizzlers.

All the yummy delights that fill the dreams of little kids, posed a challenge to the designers on Project Runway.

What would you do if you were let loose in a chocolate factory and given the assignment of creating an award winning runway outfit from the candy materials?

In this case, the designers were let loose in Hershey Times Square super candy store in New York City for five minutes.

Five minutes and floors full of candy confronted the designers.

How did the designers approach this delicious problem?

Designers let loose in Hershey Times Square super candy store.
Designers let loose in Hershey Times Square super candy store.

Did mouth watery ideas pop into their heads or did they just run wild through the chocolate factory stuffing as much candy as they could into their bags.

Well, some of the designers were focused.

Kit, a course, went for the Kit Kat and the Kit Kat wrappers, Christian had visions of Reese's Peanut Butter Cup wrappers floating in his head and Jillian went for the Twizzlers.

But designing with such mouth watering delights can prove hazardous to your design.

Designer Jillian tried glue sticking Twizzler’s to her design.
Designer Jillian tried glue sticking Twizzlers to her design.

Yes, it's easy to envision a creation made out of candy and quite another to actually construct that outfit in candy.

Only one designer - Jillian Lewis had the vision to attempt a design made out of candy, which almost came apart as the deadline for the designs approached.

Candy may be dandy, but it's not easy to glue stick it to material and it begins to melt under bright hot television lights.

Model Lauren sews the Twizzler’s together, as Designer Jillian completes the design.
Model Lauren sews the Twizzlers together, as Designer Jillian completes the design.

Luckily, Jillian choose a model - Lauren that not only looked great on the runway, but was able to sew and pitched in to complete the construction of the outfit.

On most of these reality shows, contestants are stabbing each other in the back, so it's refreshing to see two young talents working together to make the outfit - work.

Model Lauren and Designer Jillian triumphant on the runway.

In the end, Jillian outfit was glittering on the runway.

The bright red color look radiant under the TV lights.

The bright red mini skirt is reminiscent of a flapper outfit right out of the roaring '20s.

Jullian creation in red Twizzlers was not only exciting but eatable too.

For more insights into Jillian design, check out the comments from Tim, Michael Kors, Daniel Vosovic, Malan Breton, and the Burning Questing blogs.

And, as an added treat, enjoy this high definition video clip from Project Runway.

If you cannot see the above high definition video clip in your feed reader or e-mail, go to Real Eye Candy Designs.

In the United States, Project Runway aires every Wednesday at 10 ET/9 CT on the Bravo cable network.

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