Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sputnik Blazes Into Space.

Headline and Photo Widget
from Hot Sexy Fashion Pictures
by Widgetbox

A 184 pound metallic beeping ball - an artificial moon - rocketed into space today October 4, 1957.

This metallic ball, the Sputnik could be seen in the night sky, and marked mans ability to leave this blue little planet behind.

Amateur radio operators throughout the world could listen to its beeping transmissions as it passed overhead.

It sparked a renewed interest in science, and a race between Soviet Union and the United States to see who would be the first to land on the moon.

A race that was won by the United States 12 years later.

Can it be, that 50 years have passed already?

Today we take television from around the world, satellite maps of the earth, weather satellite images from space for granted, yet it's only been a half-century since that first Sputnik echoed our arrival at the space frontier and the new age of the satellite.

Although they are not Sputnik, we to have embarked on a new frontier.

Fashion and Beauty
Video Clip Widget
from Hot Sexy Fashion Pictures

A frontier of sharing our interests in fashion and beauty with our friends.

Over the past several weeks, we have launched several widgets to provide a means of sharing our love of fashion and beauty with your friends too - whether through their blog, social networks such as MySpace and Facebook, or other social sites that are popping up on the Internet horizon.

The new Hot Sexy Fashion Pictures widget brings you the latest headlines and hottest celebrity or fashion pictures.

Definitely a great additional to any blog or social network space.

The Headline - Lead Photo widget is totally free and you can even customize it to your liking, so get this Widget from Widgetbox today, and customize it for your blog or friends space.

Fashion and Beauty
Video Clip Home Page
from Hot Sexy Fashion Pictures

We are also collecting the best fashion and beauty video clips from around the net.

No more having to search numerous sites for the best video clips.

Now, in one widget you can play the latest beauty and fashion video clips, plus celebrity, bloopers and some other interesting fashion related video clips.

So now you can share the latest fashion and beauty video clips on your blog, or social networks such as MySpace and Facebook.

We are also collecting the best fashion, beauty tips and video tutorials from around the web to add to this widget video library.

So, just customize the Fashion Video widget and add it to you blog or social network.

You can also add your own video clips or your favorite fashion video clips using this widget or just add your fashionable comments on the built in forum.

So enjoy our widgets and remember it's always better to share.

And, we would like to share this video clips about the Sputnik with you on this 50 year anniversary.

If you can not see the above video in your reader or e-mail, go to Sputnik Blazes Into Space video clip.

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