There have been modeling shows and reality shows, but what happens when you combine the two – well a maze - in this case, a Model Maze.
According to Model Maze Show Producer Jimmy Andrews: "The contestants searches through a maze of possibilities to find clues that will help them discover the treasure.
In this reality show "beautiful looks" will get you nowhere?
The contestants have to have the heart and desire to survive. These women are going to need more then looks to get through the challenges in their lives.
Today's woman is slightly overweight. Many are single moms who have full-time jobs.
Today's woman can't relate to a silly twenty-year-old girl with a perfect body.
Our job is to make Model Maze a show where real women will actually sit down and watch at the end of their workday. "
Ninety-nine percent (99%) of the models today are not found on the runways of New York or Milan.
They are 18 to 40 year-old women holding on to a dream of landing the cover of a magazine, billboard, or a role in a motion picture.
Model Maze will give them the opportunity to take the next step but we will never lose the fact that they need a back up plan in life. They have to do more then "look good"."
For a glimpse of the show, watch the video clip.
Model Contest Hopeful – Ajay Milan
Ajay prepares
One of the model contestants seeking a spot on the show is Ajay Milan. Ajay was selected as one of the top twelve semi-finalists for the new TV Reality Show "Model Maze" 2005 Hawaii.
This Chicago beauty is the spokes model for MGD (Miller Genuine Draft) Chicago and ESPN Fuegos Sports Model 2005 (ESPN Radio 1000). As a spokes model for MGD she is often seen around Chicago at many high-level promotional bookings. Her poster calendar is set to debut in July 2005.
Ajay recently wrapped up a photo shoot with fashion photographer Andrew Goldman and makeup artist Pat Tomlinson for ESPN Fuegos Sports Model Swimwear 2005 poster.
Model Ajay
ready for her head shot
Ajay is certified in Stage Combat where she trained at Columbia College (Chicago) in Unarmed Fighting and Sword Fighting (Rapier, Dagger and Broad Sword) training that is recognized by "The Society of American Fight Directors" (SAFD).
She is an accomplished stage and film actress. In 2005, she landed the role of Cynthia Clark in the African American soap opera pilot "Desire." Common Productions has completed filming on this exciting daytime soap and currently shopping this pilot in L.A.
Other film credits include Solomon: Sex & Blood, Saturday School and one of the vampire girls in "Lost Girls." Her stage credits include Yard Work, Once in a Lifetime, Xena Live, Conduct Unbecoming a Hero, Lovely, Back in the Day and Otello.
Ajay is currently working as the personal hairstylist with the "Faces by Claude Julian" cyber calendar 2005. She is currently the Signature Face Model for makeup artist Claude Julian.
Ajay is a certified professional bartender, hip hop and modern dancer, special effects makeup artist, improve actor, acting coach, jogger and skilled at playing the drums and exceptional roller-skater.

Ajay Milan Bikini Shot
Ajay Milan Bikini Shot
Ajay current quest is to land a spot on the Model Maza show. If you think Ajay would made a great contestant, go to the Players Group 1 and cast your vote to Ajay Milan.
To see more photos of Ajay go to Ajay Milan web site or to
find out more about the Model Maze go to Model Maze web site.